November we Balance the Wheel

 In life, you're given the responsibility for yourself, and the opportunity to serve everyone else. True fulfillment and success arrives when you’ve achieved a balance between these two worlds . . .Guru Singh

My grandmother would say in response to the question "How are you?" 

"My child I am holding on to the balance wheel and holding on to courage"

I would laugh, I had no idea what she meant and to ask would start a long conversation that I usually would not want to enter into especially as a teenager. My cousins and I would make fun of it, we would change it up, make variations, sing songs about it. 

As I got older I started paying attention to it. I never did ask what it meant, I made up my own meaning and have been using that as a guide

I am living my life with balance and with courage no matter what comes my way.

An important question to ask yourself as you journey through November when faced with a decision "is this going to support balance in my life or will making this choice throw me off balance?"

Life is always reflecting whether we are in balance or not. It is up to us to pay attention. When we are living out of balance it shows up in what we do, it shows up in what happens around us. We get the opportunity to turn it around. Balance also reminds us that everything is temporary, fleeting and impermanent.

According to Hiro Boga  "Sovereignty begins with knowing who you are, in all your beauty and complexity; knowing your soul’s true desires and capacities; understanding the nature of your relationships with all forms of life and your place in the great web of being; and living in harmony with your soul, and the soul of the world."

May your November be filled with balance and harmony.

Peace and Blessings

Akosua's Books



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