Thank you Cape Town - It was a blast

 The real change, the kind that brings true power and freedom, happens when we stop chasing the external gaze—the validation, the approval, or the attention of others. When you start asking yourself the deeper questions and listening to your own wisdom, you shift from relying on the outside world to knowing that the answers are inside you.This shift is where your true power lies. Dr Robin Smith

Cape Town, thank you. I am leaving with heart full of gratitude, a multitude of lessons and a reminder of who I am. Confessions on the Journey - I like to be chosen, I want others to choose and validate me, and depending on who decides to not choose me, I fall apart in so many ways forgeting that there is nothing personal in this experience called life and my worth does not depend on certain people choosing me.

I was reminded on this trip to hold myself accountable but do not take other people's choices personal. Life remains intimate and impersonal. Once we are in the experience of life we will encounter experiences that we sometimes believe that we cannot handle and are out of our control. But we can, once we remember and believe that the power lies within, once we pay attention to what life is telling us.

Cape Town provided me with quiet time minus many distractions that I could reflect

It reminded me to continue doing what I do listening to the intuitive hits and having the courage to make bold decisions, to be kind to Self and others and consistency pays.

Peace and Blessings

Akosua's Books



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