Are You Willing to Do the Work?
I'm not really into that whole, "This is gonna change your life!!!" thing ❤️
I'm much more into a, "Hey there, let's experiment by showing up for life in a way that feels radically true for you" kinda thing.
I don't know what you need. I don't know what you want. I don't know what's gonna get your feet tapping, heart pumping, feelings flowing, creativity exploding, wisdom moving, and body relaxing.
Buttt, YOU DO.
And you knowing you, you being what you came for, is exactly what I am here for The Messy
Who wants to change, transform, radically shift? Hands up?
Okay now who wants to do the work?
Hands up?
The work must be done,(sorry, there is no other way) and the work requires us to sit in it, to face it, acknowledge it, call it, own it
whatever "it" is
There goes a radical concept!
There is no amount of reading, going to seminars and courses, watching YouTube vids, sending positive messages over whatsapp and Facebook is going to result in that radical shift
Showing up every day with an open mind, and being willing to go through the fire is the start and continuing to show up despite the challenges is the lifestyle.
there will be some crying, some messy tears, there will be some pissing people off, there will be some cussing, some doubt, some relationships shifting perhaps even ending , there will be discomfort but boy oh boy on the flip side of that...... a peace that passes all understanding, a level of freedom that cannot be denied and a whole approach to life which only allows for growth - not always smooth sailing but how boring would smooth sailing be?
Are you willing to do the work?
Who wants to change, transform, radically shift? Hands up?
Okay now who wants to do the work?
Hands up?
The work must be done,(sorry, there is no other way) and the work requires us to sit in it, to face it, acknowledge it, call it, own it
whatever "it" is
There goes a radical concept!
There is no amount of reading, going to seminars and courses, watching YouTube vids, sending positive messages over whatsapp and Facebook is going to result in that radical shift
Showing up every day with an open mind, and being willing to go through the fire is the start and continuing to show up despite the challenges is the lifestyle.
there will be some crying, some messy tears, there will be some pissing people off, there will be some cussing, some doubt, some relationships shifting perhaps even ending , there will be discomfort but boy oh boy on the flip side of that...... a peace that passes all understanding, a level of freedom that cannot be denied and a whole approach to life which only allows for growth - not always smooth sailing but how boring would smooth sailing be?
Are you willing to do the work?
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