Maybe it is time to Forgive

The relationship between guilt and forgiveness may surprise you. 
Guilt is actually a twisted or manipulative way of seeking forgiveness. It is the belief that if you inflict suffering on yourself for your choices, another will forgive you for them. This is belief keeps you in pain because only you can forgive yourself.  Gary Zukav

Any time I read Gary Zukav's work, I have that penny dropping moment. every.single.time! And like today, I hit upon his wisdom on guilt and forgiveness and I literally had to scream when the penny dropped, when the A-HA angels singed! On all levels, forgiveness is big, and forgiveness starting with oneself, it frees so many channels. Forgiveness is about freedom, it is about moving on, lessening the burden, the load and starting afresh, it is for no one else but you!
Added to that, the guilt assiciated with non forgiveness- oh man! it seeps into all our actions, eating, shopping, the job we accept and choose, the people we surround ourselves with, the boundaries we have or maybe do not have
Can you see how big this forgiveness thing is?
It is a release, letting go. Giving up the thought that the past can now be changed.
As the boss Iyanla puts it and I concur " when being hurt and angry and believing that you are less than you are does not get you what you want, it is time to forgive"


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