If it costs your peace it's too expensive.

If it costs your peace it's too expensive. During the pandemic, the front lawn was turned into a garden with sweet potatoes, herbs and corn and a few other plants that were easy to maintain. The homeowner's association decided after their meeting that planting a garden was breaking the rules - only lawn grass permitted in common areas and some of the garden flowed into the common area. They sent someone to cut it down. I protested. Who would destroy a food garden in a pandemic given the fact that food security was being questioned. Who in their right mind thought that a garden was "ugly" I made all types and sort of pronouncements, judgements and even accusations. This back and forth went on for a few months and I resisted them getting rid of the garden. Why? I felt that the approach was wrong, highhanded and disrespectful. Yesterday they came and flattened the entire garden, everything was destroyed. I came in just as they were putting the last bits in a heap to b...