The Higher The Risk

 If you risk nothing you risk everything. Krishna Darma

Risk is defined by Wikipedia In simple terms as the possibility of something bad happening.

Risk involves uncertainty about the effects/implications of an activity with respect to something that humans value (such as health, well-being, wealth, property or the environment), often focusing on negative, undesirable consequences.

In the financial world, there is a saying that the higher the risk the higher the reward. I say this to myself quite often to remind myself that risk is a part of life. The more risks I take the more rewards will materialize. Of course there is a flip side to this, the higher the risk, the higher the lower the fall. 

Risk and uncertainty goes hand in hand. There is no way that we can know every outcome, that we can have guarantees for every situation that we are exposed to. Living just basically involves some type of risk.

I have learnt that managing risk is about trusting myself and trusting the process. 

If I can live in a space of trust and faith, risks that come is viewed as a lesson or a blessing.  Taking risks increases not just our trust and faith, we also feel powerful. We are able to tap into our innate power to overcome challenges and obstacles as they occur. There is a sense of accomplishment in knowing that whatever happens along the Journey that we will be okay.

Taking risks  can also be life threatening depending on what risks you decide to take, for these purposes I am talking about doing activities and taking actions that you believe you cannot take because of the uncertainty, the lack of a guarantee, the heart break, the vulnerability.

Leaving a job you know is bringing you down  health risks and all without knowing what is next is a risk

Ending a long term relationship - is taking a risk

Starting a new career - is taking a risk

Asking your secret crush out - is taking a risk

Leaving the town or country you grew up in and moving away  - is taking a risk.

On the other side of the taking, is the receiving and I have learnt that on the other side the rewards can blow your mind,

Take a risk, trust yourself!



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