Making up Stories
Most of us have a story about how we got to be the way we are, about what it's like to be 'us,' and about why it is so difficult sometimes to get through life. All of this is stuff that has nothing to do with who we are now. Neale Donald Walsh
Confessions on the Journey - I tend to make up stories - not just for a living but particularly when:
1.I am afraid to bring up the discussion with the other party for fear of being disliked or misunderstood.
2. the conversation in my mind is tough to have.
3. running away from conflict.
4. I am scared of the outcome.
5. I have no control of the outcome and what the other party would say.
Note the thread running through my reasons for making up stories? - fear! Fear of rejection, losing control, not being heard, liked and understood.
Making up stories means that I create a scene in my head based on worst case scenarios as opposed to facing the facts and getting the truth. You see, to get facts and truths one must have and be willing to have uncomfortable conversations. Have you ever had a difference of opinion with another person and you make up a scenario in your head- a worst case one, then when the actual conversation does occur it is so much more simple and pleasant than your made up story?
Uncertainty and unknowns - there is no control, no making sure that we know what is happening, what can happen and what will happen. It is usually a case of trusting your self, trusting your intuition and going with the flow.
We humans love to be sure, to have all the answers, to not make mistakes, we love to look good and be validated. Uncertainty and unknowns cannot guarantee this!
So, I ask myself now - is this a story that I am making up? What is the fear here? Do I feel any resistance in my body? This is the start of the process. Once I do that I affirm to myself to make up another story, that there are no guarantees but there will be learnings, lessons and love.
awfulization is a fear based response and there is nothing to fear, There is never anything to fear.
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