Do You stay in your lane?

 I hope you have the courage and support to:

Lay Down Say No Set Boundaries Walk Away Prioritize Your Health - Dr Thema

A friend of mine asked me today, how do we know when to intervene in someone's life, when we see that they are heading for a fall, a crash, a crisis?

I thought about it for a while and answered  when they are ready, when we are ready, the pull will be inevitable. Keep minding our own business until then, she said that is one approach.

I was a little thrown by that response - confessions on the Journey. There is always more than one way, I must admit. I never thought of another one. I still have not thought of another one. What I can say based on my own lessons is helping others or intervening in their lives, if they did not ask or are not ready, it is recipe for resentment - on both sides.

We are concerned for our loved ones, we want them to thrive and do well.  We want them to be happy. When we see them suffering we want to help, to make them happy. Is that our job, or is happiness an inside job? 

On our own journey we will encounter others, we will encounter situations that we believe we ought to fix because, to us, "it just ain't right" 

Sometimes, this is where we come off our own path because it seems the right thing to do, or it seems easier to focus on helping others.

 Everything starts with us, yes we have a collective responsibility- which starts with us, how we treat ourselves, how we live our lives - then it filters out,

Starting inside we move outside - if we are unhealthy, stressed, broke and weary- this is what we demonstrate to others - we teach by what we demonstrate. Focusing on our lives demonstrates how important it is to take care of ourselves. 

When the call is made to support others, it is undeniable, there is no ego, no judgement, no expectations, no demands. There is only the answering of the call as part of our path. Despite the challenges.

Next time you want to get in someone else's business, ask yourself why.


Now What? A Four Week Self Reflective Journey

Join the Journey - a Self Reflective Journey to Self


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