Let this not be another illusion that separates us

life is so much easier when you stop trying to convince folks to live in the same realm as you. just let them be and you continue to be yourself. Tonye

The country has been opening up  slowly, restaurants, coffee shops, entertainment spots, schools. The biggest conversation has been who is vaccinated and who is not, what is a safe zone or not. What is safe, what is fair.

 The requirements to go to any of the safe zones as declared by the Government is a valid vaccination certificate and a valid ID. 

Many people have opted to not take the vaccine for many different reasons, as it stands now they are not able to visit the safe zones, except schools. Schools remain open for the unvaccinated who are at secondary school level. 

The attention and emotion attached to this conversation woke me up, I wanted to see what I could have learnt from it.

I have listened to both sides, I have attempted to suspend my judgement about it all and observe.

The observation has yielded some lessons that I would like to share

1. There is some fear - some people are afraid of taking the vaccine because of the unknowns, because they are afraid to die, because the vaccine took a short time to come to the public.

2. There is some resentment - many people feel resentful that the Government in mandating the population to take the vaccine, they feel forced and want to make a statement and so they are refusing to take the vaccine.

3. There is some confusion - is the vaccine better than boosting up your immunity through natural methods?

4. There is some anger - according to some, why are  some people refusing to take the vaccine and putting other lives in danger?.

5. There are religious reasons - many people are standing by their religious beliefs which suggest that the vaccine is the "mark of the beast" or does not fit in to their faith.

Listening to all of this I have realized that  there is another form and method of separation is among us.

We have chosen another way to separate ourselves from one another - Vaccine Apartheid. 

No matter what we believe, we are all connected, what you do impacts everyone and everything around us and what I do impacts everything around you.

If we move around with that belief, whatever choice we make will be made in love and service to self and others.

Letting others make a choice when it is different to what we believe and want without reacting with anger, fear and judgement supports connection.  Remember that you are connected to each and everyone of your brothers and sisters. Understanding their point of view helps  in making choices that impacts us positively.

Living our lives in harmony is the goal.

Let this not be another illusion that separates us.



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