What Are You Giving Your Attention To?

Giving all of our attention to the unwanted aspects of our lives allows what we resist to persist. Laura Rawlings

My friends, you must have  heard me mention this before, today I felt guided to talk about it gain because I have been asking myself some questions.

Do we pay attention to what we are thinking about, saying, watching on social media?  Are we in alignment with what we are thinking, saying and doing?

When there is little or alignment, we confuse ourselves and we confuse the Universe. The Universe is waiting to fulfil our requests, our desires.

It's like watching fitness videos and reels, all the while in our mind saying I ought to be working out yet making absolutely movement with our bodies and at the same time eating foods that is not nourishing to your body. There is no alignment in words, thoughts and action.

Or we talk about and think about making a change to our life situation yet we continue to do the same things over and over expecting a different result. 

I know, I know, change is hard, there is no guarantee that it would work the way we want it to work, what would people say, what about the time and resources I invested in this job, marriage, time, organization?  

There comes a time when we must get still and ask ourselves, what am I giving my attention to? Life will answer you. It will be your responsibility to accept what life answers with. This I have learnt, life is always guiding us gently and when we refuse to to take that gentle guidance it becomes a little less gentle.

What are your conversations about?

What are you watching on social media?

What are you thinking and saying to yourself?

If you don't know, watch at what your life tells you.



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