
Showing posts from September, 2022

Top 3 Lessons on the Journey for September

  I   Integrate   all the lessons learned from this past  month. Through this process my soul is  nourished, my mind is stretched and the Chi  flows freely through my body.  Seven Sones Leadership September has been a month of lessons for me. let me tell you my friends!. I have had to draw on so many of the tools and lessons learnt on this Journey. As I reflect, I now know that I feel grateful for the exposure to those past lessons. They certainly came in handy this month. I think we tend to forget that we have tools, affirmations, lessons and experience when we are in the middle of life and its challenges. This is where a pause comes in. If we just continue to go and go, remaining busy we are not giving ourselves time to feel, to deal and to heal. This approach has consequences, the biggest of them all is we continue to remain stuck and in a cycle of pain. These are my top 3 lessons on the Journey for September:  Forgiving myself first as a pathw...

It Matters How we View a Thing

  You and I both know that it matters how we view a thing; how we treat the information. It matters whether or not we let it sit there, forming an obstruction. If we were so inclined, we might stay too long in  what was.  We might hang around in the dim light, keeping old scores. Today is different. We know more. We have  seen  more. We are conflicted, more separate, lonelier than ever before, so we understand that some of our old ways were too expensive. Yrsa Daley Ward We are the meaning makers. This statement resonated with me when hearing a version of events from a really good friend. We were both there at the same time, yet both of our stories were different, neither was wrong or untruths. How we each view events  is linked to factors such as our experiences, our thoughts, our energy, our thoughts. Each of us carry with us our own energy. This is important to remember in all types of relationships. People see, view and interpret the same situation diff...

You are a Higer Energy Being

  S omething to consider:   you are not your feelings . You are a “higher” energy being that is accommodating the “lower” energies of feelings. You're the sky. The emotions are the clouds.  Which is not to say emotions are low vibe. They are a GPS system for our lives . Danielle La Porte Have you ever noticed that when you have happy, joyous feelings its easier for you to feel them and let them pass and quickly and when you have feelings that lead to fear, discomfort and apprehension, we hold on to them and keep them longer than necessary? It's almost like we don't believe that good feelings ought to linger and last.  What I have learnt is to feel them all. Both are valid,  both are useful, both are guides. When we believe we are "worth it" we incorporate the positive vibes into our living and use it as fuel to take us forward, to support us when the vibe shifts. Go ahead, feel the positive vibes, you are so worth it. Peace Akosua's Books Nyabo (Madam) Why ...

My new Formula to Rebuild

   So rather than allowing our lives to be dictated by fear of the unknown or trying to avoid falling, we can appreciate that sometimes we experience life fully when we are willing to trust and fall. And in doing so, we may just find that we have the wings to fly . Daily OM In my arrogance I sometimes ignore the things that the universe is kind enough to show me. Life has shown me that shake-ups are inevitable and even when I don’t invite crisis I can’t always prevent it. It has also taught me that I should always be receptive to doing things in a new way and opportunity. This has not been my state of mind; I often want the rebuild without the renovation, but ripping apart and destruction must take place first. The second phase of a renovation is the most cumbersome and tedious, the cutting away, and removing of unwanted or unnecessary materials. After a lot of measuring - twice, cutting once, and reconstruction the end result is the refreshed new space. This is a metaphor for...

Radical Honesty is Kind

  Radical honesty is not about punishing yourself or harsh self talk. Rather, it is about calmly bring in contact with your truth . Yung Pueblo How you talk to yourself in a time of challenge and crisis plays a huge part in how you handle the challenge or crisis. It may sound like a small and simple gesture, however it truly goes a long way. We can be honest with ourselves with compassion, non judgement and kindness. It is a practice. It is very easy to berate, judge and speak to ourselves in a way that makes us feel even more powerless. There are times when we do need a stern talking to from ourselves, however when it crosses the line to be unkind and judgmental, chances are it will not be a sustainable approach to healing. Be mindful of how to speak to yourself, be mindful of how you live your truth, be mindful of how you treat yourself. Why? it starts within then goes outside of you to how you live. Peace

Everything answers the call to home

  Everything answers the call to home . Hiro Boga What do you consider home? What do you answer the call to? Is it a space where you grew up, a house? Is it in nature? Is it a spot on a bench? A song?  Where do you go when you get a calling back to Self? What I have learnt is, the call to home becomes a whisper when we lead busy lives, when it is ignored life will show up more and more loudly to get your attention. What get's you to stop in your tracks? that is what life will do. The call to home may or may not be a painful one - you get to choose. The more self aware you are, the more you are able to hear the whisper. According to Hiro Boga, that call can emerge as restlessness, emptiness, a longing for something as-yet unnamed.  We work harder, or party more. We hang onto relationships that leave our hearts blighted, or we buy stuff . . .   When we go searching for "home" outside of ourselves, we remain dissatisfied, it cannot be found. The call to home is an insid...

love isn't really love if it's not loving

    love isn't really love if it's not loving . - Stacey Herera What does love mean to you? How do you define it? Have you even reflected on what it is, how it feels?  Confession on the Journey - when I just got married I thought love meant no arguments and no leaving, fun times and passion. I lived by that credo. Of course to be disappointed. There were times with little fun, dried up passion and differing opinions - well when he left, I thought that love was a complete waste of time! What is it anyway if all of the things I believed it was just was NOT! Life guided me - kicking and screaming to love....myself first so I can take that love and loving to everyone else.   With my analytical mind, at the time, I researched what love is, how is it supposed to look and feel. What I researched did not resonate at all. I read books, papers and watched documentaries to determine how and what was love in order for me to "do it right"  When I surrendered to wan...

Noticing feels so much more doable than fixing

  Noticing  feels so much more doable than fixing.  Tending to  feels so much more kind than forcing.  Practicing  feels so much more possible than changing. Lisa Olivera  Over the past few weeks I have been struggling with feelings of enoughness, I have been doubting myself and making up stories. So many factors contributed to these feelings such as starting a new online course - will it be good enough? supporting someone close to me through grief - am I doing enough? deciding whether I want to continue doing the work that I started a few years ago - is this in alignment with where and what I want to do now? Is it enough? I acknowledge that doubt comes with being human, and I guess that the practice of overcoming doubt remains one that is ongoing, one that we require the right tools in order to move forward. Confessions on the Journey -  there are many times that I forget the tools and lessons that I have learnt and default to the doubt, to the ...

On Forgiving Yourself

  More than anything, you give yourself what you need, instead of what you crave.  Treating your energy like a precious resource has a deep effect on your life. Yung Pueblo' A huge part on the journey to forgiveness is learning to forgive yourself, and once you have learned to forgive yourself, be willing to do it consistently and with grace. I have learnt to forgive myself: 1. When I have ignored my intuition. 2. When I have judged myself, especially harshly. 3. When I dishonored myself. 4. When I forget who I am - an idea that came reality from the Most High 5. When I outsource my power and responsibility to others. 6. When I blame others, project onto others due to shame, guilt and denial. When I forgive myself, the path is made clear to forgive others. Peace September is here, are you ready to go on a Self Awareness Journey- It's an Inside Job. Four Week Immersive online Workshop. Join us, spread the word. Self Awareness - Tools for the Journey - SIGN UP NOW

September is the Journey to Forgiveness

  Self-analysis and observation is the only way you can create change in your life. Forgive yourself and know that all of your previous actions were created from your level of consciousness at that time in your life. ACIM  Welcome to the Journey to Forgiveness. What does forgiveness mean to you? I have learnt that it means giving yourself grace, accepting that things in the past are gone and forgiveness allows for a clear path forward. Forgiveness must be one of the toughest lessons on my Journey, I wanted people to pay for any "wrong" doing to me, I wanted others to know who did me "wrong", I spent a lot of energy sharing a story both to myself and anyone who would listen about other people and their "ways" Did not do me a fat lot of good I must say, I spent loads of energy and time on proving and shaming rather than on healing and growing. Its been getting better, I practice, practice and practice forgiving myself. I start with looking in the mirror dail...