The Externals are Icing on the Cake

 Believe it or not you don’t actually need to do much to self-generate love, either. You don’t need things to change. You don’t need a person. You don’t need a vacation. You don’t need the house or the meditation practice or the drugs. You don't even need to be in love yourself either (although, that will likely come as a fast follow). You just need to get your head to stop spinning in thoughts, creating such a strong centrifugal force that you become separated from the energy of love that’s all around you. Maxie McCoy

For those who have been on the journey with me since we started sharing lessons on the Journey have heard me say before that there is nothing outside of you that you can find that can prove to you what you are worthy, there is nothing outside of you that can prove that you are enough, you are loveable, you matter.

A Course in Miracles says search outside of yourself for what is within and the search will fail. Basically you are looking for something outside of you that cannot be found because it is not there.

You're it! You are the love that you are searching for.

The externals are just the icing on the cake.

When I need a dose of pick me up, I look for the sunrise or the sunset, the flock of white birds that follow the sunrise and come before the sun set, the chorus of parrots that are consistently present at 5.30am and 5.30pm. All from the comfort of the porch. The little things! The little decision to stay present, to be in the moment will remind you that wherever you are love is, wherever you are find the beauty, wherever you are God is. Talk to yourself to get out of your head and into the moment.


Akosua's Books

Nyabo (Madam) Why Are You Here?

Now What? The Flipside

What Did I Learn Today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love


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