A note on Healing

Healing requires truth, until the truth comes healing will not happen. There is no true healing without accountability and integrity. Healing is declaring that it ends right here with you. I am making the intentional effort to recognize the patterns I have been repeating that haven't been serving me. I am done letting my past experiences and the version of me birthed out of fear run the show. I get to choose, so I choose to commit to myself, I choose to do right my myself. I choose to break free from what has been keeping me from playing small, blocking blessings and repeating cycles Our healing is our responsibility. Healing is about feeling, not about thinking. Healing requires presence between you and yourself. Attachment grows the ego and it slows down healing. Keeping yourself accountable is also part of healing Everything you are healing for yourself you are healing for someone else, too Running from discomfort and unresolved issues just fuels the need to run. Stopping...