Change is the Law of Growth

 “Change is the law of growth; and growth is the law of life.  Without change there can be no growth.  There is no greater mistake than to be afraid of change, and yet many intelligent people dread it and cling to what is customary and familiar. Welcome every change that comes into phase of your life.”  Emmet Fox (Life Is Change). 

I joined a boxing class, some days its fun, when I am actually boxing I feel excited and happy. Other days its not so much fun, we do work to strengthen our core and practice the techniques, gain fitness. One particular day the non boxing part was pleasant, I was pleasantly surprised, I actually looked forward to the next session. Well, suffice to say that session was monstrous, the level of difficulty was so high, I felt frustrated and wanted the same class, same comfort, same conditions.

How can I grow,  become better, evolve when things remain the same? Circumstances change all the time. In order for growth and evolution it is important that change is embraced as par for the course.

Looking forward to the same situation and experience every time is s recipe for disappointment

Nothing remains the same and that is just a fact

So how am I accepting change?

1. Affirmations - I say affirmations when the resistance comes up. I use this one quite a bit 

I let go trying to control every outcome. I release my need to micromanage every detail. I acknowledge that all change, all things around me are working for good. Releasing my concerns, I let God be God in my life, and then I do what is mine to do. I move forward in peace. Amen!

2. Putting myself in situations where I invite change.

If you have any other tips, please share!

Peace and Blessings

Akosua's Books



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