
I want to share what I read today, read it before and keep going back to remind myself time and time again, today I am compelled to share - Peace!

Acceptance is the acknowledg- ment of the inherent perfection in every person, situation and experience regardless of how difficult or challenging it may appear or feel. 

Acceptance does not depend or rely upon what is going on externally. It is an internal state of awareness and being.
Acceptance of others as doing the best they can, regardless of what they do or how they do it, eliminates judgment. In order to come to a place of accept- ance, you must be willing to relinquish your position (e.g. being right, what is fair, what you should or should not do, etc.)
In the midst of a difficult experience, you are called to acceptance. You cannot change the past. Only by acceptance of the feelings and memories associated with the past are you able to change your choices and responses to similar experiences.
Acceptance requires that you embrace all seeming imper-fections which present them- selves, knowing that you can set a new course for your life, one minute at a time, one day at a time. Acceptance of experiences is realized as an outgrowth of acceptance of self. Acceptance of who you are and what you have experienced is the foundation of unconditional loving of self. 
  Inner Visions Institute

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