Listen to the Whispers

Open heart - we are willing to be with whatever is evolving and whaever is showing up, just be present with what is and entertain the opportunities that might be there Paul Ferrini

I'm planning my NYC trip where I do 3 book signings and a couple radio shows, it's a bit of a challenge planning things for there from far away and I must admit technology is really so bloody awesome it makes this whole exercise so much more easy. But here's the thing I learnt that really got me to pay attention and remember that this Universe really really got me! I had a band booked for all the events, package deal they go where I go and we were running ahead with all the marketing like that. Then they couldn't make it again at the last minute and of course I was disappointed, I sulked for a twenty minutes and then I said you know what start moving start focusing on something else because everything is either a lesson or a blessing! So I convinced myself that its all ok.
I'm driving home from Brasso and I just got a voice in my head saying send a message to LaShawn and I'm like "what? who said that?" I don't even know the girl very well. Just message her and ask her about the launch! I reached home and did it right away and things are just falling into place so nicely with the creative part of the event! Always listen to the whisper, the positive creative voice that you hear is your gut, your intuition leading you, and when you question it then you get in trouble as half of the time it makes absolutely no sense to you! But it doesn't have to make sense and we don't know it all so trust the process and know the Universe got ya!
So the planning continues and I'm not stressing one little bit!!


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