Forgiveness is Big
In order to truly forgive, each of us must process through the full range of lessons, feelings and emotions associated with the traumatic events in our lives. Blind forgiveness is the easy way out and is usually the route most people prefer. Blind forgiveness is denial and avoidance. It helps people brush things under the rug without ever getting to the root cause of the problem. Unfortunately, this leads to a pattern of recreation in the future because it was never properly addressed. You cannot change a problem with the same state of consciousness that created the problem. Sabrina Reber For a very long time I believed that forgiveness was about letting the other person off the hook. I never wanted to forgive anyone, I would simply put it out of my mind. As far as I was concerned, the person did not exist and what happened never happened. That, my dear friends, does not work. Ignoring and pretending is a sure fire way of bringing the lesson back over and over again. Sabrina ...