Love Yourself Enough To.....

It is unloving to ask people to do anything that they have demonstrated to you that they are unwilling or cannot do - Iyanla

Love yourself enough to know when it is time to leave - leave a job, leave a relationship, leave a situation.
Love yourself enough to take action when you know action must be taken
Love yourself enough not to eat the foods you know are unhealthy to your system on a regular basis
Love yourself enough to not fill up your system with substances which numb you to what is the reality that you must face
Love yourself enough to say NO
Love yourself enough to say YES
Love yourself ebough to know that you do not always have to be "right"
Love yourself enough to treat your body with reverence and care - it is where you live while you are here on this plane
Love yourself enough to get enough rest
Love yourself enough to follow your intuition
Love yourself enough to speak up
Love yourself enough to not compare yourself to anyone else- you are divinely and uniquely made
Love yourself enough to not settle...due to fear and societal constructs
Love yourself enough to stop making excuses and blaming others
Love yourself enough to take responsibility
Love yourself....through it all...Love yourself..



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