Thoughts Are Things

Our thoughts literally create an energy frequency around us magnetizing those things we spend energy thinking about into a self-fulfilling prophecy Sabrina Reber

Self-Awareness is the first step towards not only knowing one self.
Self -Awareness is a critical part of transformation.
Self Awareness comes when you are conscious of your thoughts.
Thoughts create things. That is to say, what you are thinking most about becomes a reality. You don't have to believe this or even understand this, it is a Universal Law
Think of Gravity, you know what goes up, must come down.  You don't need to understand it nor agree with it.
So when we are unaware of your thoughts, look at what shows up in your life. That is quite sobering. You must take responsibility. There is no one and nothing to blame. It is only to give you feedback to move, to leave, to grow, to transform, to stay, to change, to take responsibility and most important of all, to be grateful
So what have I learnt?
Pay attention to your thoughts
Write them down to start the process of being aware
When the negative thoughts feel overpowering,  acknowledge it, (hi there you) then change it, cancel it, sing a song, say an affirmation. Dwelling on negative or destructive thought over and over and over again serves to make it manifest something in reality be it an illness, a pain, a situation! Trust me I lived it!
Dwell not!
Become self aware


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