Affirm yourself!

Creation is the highest form of Divinity, and your
birthright. Truth is, you are creating all the time. The
central question in your life is whether you are

doing this consciously or unconsciously - Neale Donald Walsh

Negative self talk is most of the time unconscious. Pay attention to what you say silently to yourself, and even what you say out loud in conversation to people you care about and even those you recently met

I hear it often and sometimes I find myself joining in the same type of self talk

" Why am I so stupid?"
"I don't know how to....."
"I'm broke and have no money"
"My belly is so big, or my butt is so big, my breasts are so small or so big"
"I am fed up and not able"
"I'm poor and nobody"
"I have no discipline to do this"
" Im still single and I don't know why"

and the list goes on and on

Sustaned negative self talk has consequences, believe it or not!
Sustained negative self talk manifests itself in your reality

You wonder why sometimes your life is heading in a particular direction? Check you self talk
I am not advocating that you lie to yourself but there is a way to make your reality known to yourself and it can be done in an affirming manner

I have tested using afirming self talk, in small things at first, I did it while running. I usually hit a plateau at 5k, I would reach there and then walk. because my self talk was " I cannot do anymore running, I just can't do it, too tired, too buss" So what I did when  I reached 5k, I changed the self talk to "Come on, keep going, 3 more minnutes, you can do this!" and surrendered the need to be in control and resist and just like that I am running just over 6k now, It worked! Just like magic

And so I am not transferring this affirming self talk to other areas of my life, it is a work in progress but I am determined to create and create positively, to take responsibility for my own thoughts and watch it manifest itself in my life.

Give it a go!

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Feature in Trinidad Express Woman


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