The Reaction of Others

The feedback is not so much the details of their opinions and the specific things they say in the moment. Rather, the real feedback lies in the gist of their reaction to us. That reaction can tell us if we are in ego mode, which is invaluable feedback for us. ACIM

We live our lives on this plane with others. Some of us live our lives more publicly than others - some by choice and others by purpose.
Whichever it is, there will be feedback involved. Some feedback we ask for and some we don't. Some feedback we like and some we don't.
I have learnt that all feedback is useful and  involves some type of lesson. The Course in Miracles says that our response to feedback determines if it comes from a place of fear or not.
As soon as we start getting defensive we know, fear has stepped in.
As soon as we want to justify, make excuses, sometimes even fight, rest assured that those are fear based responses.
We know the difference between the unwarranted attacks and feedback. We really do despite what we think or say. 
Social media has opened us up for unwarranted feedback - how do we handle this?
Being in the public domain is also a place where unwarranted feedback is par for the course.
Stand firm in yourself and know that when  the feedback comes to you, it comes for a reason. It may be to set boundaries, it may be to grow, it may be to cut someone off, it may be to believe in yourself and stop seeking external validation, it may be for you to grow and get better. 
What I do know is, feedback can be useful. Especially when received with a willing spirit and an open mind.
And one has to be prepared for it, whether you are a so called public figure or not.
Being prepared for it comes down simply to knowing who you are and having a willingness to grow, to listen and to learn.


Have you read any of Akosua's work?


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