Make it Sacred

We can’t always change the circumstances that surround us, but we can choose the conversation we generate about them Lynne Twist This morning as I was meditating, the phrase "make it sacred" popped into my head and I must say it resonated for so many different reasons. I had to ask myself: 1. What is my definition of sacred? 2. Is there any thing that I consider sacred? 3. How can I make my life here on Earth sacred? There are very little guarantees in life, this I have learnt, and so, the decision to make the time here sacred is a choice I am making to ensure that my time here is well served to both myself and my community. Sacred is showing up for every thing in my life with and in love and service. Sacred is knowing that there is always divine guidance in the moment so that there is no need to be in fear. Sacred is recognizing the beauty, simplicity and grace in each and every moment, even when it is tough. I choose to make this journey of mine sacred. Your body- make it ...