There is Enough

 When you know your worth, no one can make you feel worthless. Positive Call

I was having a conversation with my therapist this week - yes I do support having a safe space to unwind and unfurl which the therapist so wonderfully provides!

We were talking about "enoughness" and looking at the progress that I have made over the past year or so, which has been a blessing. I celebrate the small wins. Fear and doubt has a way of creeping in. When the fear and doubts creep in I sometimes have the tendency to give in to them, making decisions from that place.

Fear of not being and doing enough pushes me to either withdraw or to want to prove to others that I am enough thereby overcompensating when there is simply no need to.

Not enoughness for me comes from a place of fear - not having enough and not being enough. That feeling of never having enough - time, money, resources and on and on. What then tends to happen with that feeling, it transfers into me feeling as if I am not enough.

The experiences over the last year has shown me that there is always enough, there is always an opportunity, there is always all needs met which translates to I am enough. Enough to be here as a demonstration of an idea in God's mind

When the feelings come over me, I start counting my blessings and being grateful. What am I grateful for in this moment, what are the blessings in my life?

I ask the fear, what are you wanting to tell me in this moment?

I get still and listen.

Then I celebrate the little wins, giving me motivation to carry on.

There is enough- nature shows us this on a daily basis.

All needs are met - we must have that belief and do the necessary work around that - inner work!



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