Are You Living in a Pattern?

 And yet, when we understand our patterns and the habits that become calcified around them, without layering self judgement on top of them, we can begin to see what our unconscious is so earnestly trying to carry out or maintain. We’re remarkable creatures. Chela Davidson

I define living in a pattern as one where we live unconsciously according to what happened in the past, we live by a formula set by others whether the "others" are religion, family, society or some other external force. The key to this way of life is we continue to live by these patterns even when living it is no longer serving us, we continue to live this way out of fear of change, fear of uncertainty and fear of what others will say.

Growing up with my grandmother she would wake us up before the sun rose, she told us that if the sun rose and we were asleep it signifies laziness. My mother said and did the same thing. I love to sleep late on Sunday's so there was always a battle at the house, as I moved out, I would feel so guilty lying in on a Sunday morning thinking both that I was lazy and letting down the family!

I started questioning myself - Am I lazy if I wake up when the sun is up? Without guilt and judgement (this was a process, trust me!) the answer was a resounding no! I started questioning all the other patterns that I lived unconsciously. Some of the patterns worked and some did not work. I decided that I must find the courage to question, challenge and live outside of these patterns that no longer serve me.

When we continue to live patterns that no longer serve us, life reflects this back to us in so many ways.

If you are living out of balance, chances are that life will find a way to bring you back to centre. may not be pretty!

Do you keep yourself busy for the sake of being busy? - check on yourself, that may be a pattern of avoidance or non acceptance.

Do you put everyone else's needs before yours? - check on yourself that may be a pattern of people pleasing

Do you have self talk that promotes self doubt and procrastination? - check yourself, that may be living in a pattern of diminishing your self worth.

The lesson here my friends is self awareness. Becoming aware of the patterns that you live in, the habits that you have formed which keep you playing small, keeps you anxious and worried, people pleasing and not celebrating you magnificent self!

How about you? What patterns and priorities keep you from doing your thing?



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