People are ultimately responsible for their own attitudes and actions.

people are ultimately responsible for their own attitudes and actions . Adam Grant How do you respond to what situation is in front of you? How do you respond when that situation is totally out of your control? A Course in Miracles talks about making decisions based on illusions. I love that. We make decisions based on what is not real and expect to benefit. I can share that sometimes I have made decisions on what I thought should have happened, what I was told is best to happen, how I judged, how angry I am. Rather than on what is exactly in front of me at the present moment. Blaming, projecting, judging are shrouded in illusions, we make real that others are responsible for what we do, what we said, what we did not do, what we did not say. We outsource responsibility for for our attitudes, for our decisions. I have learnt that I give away my inherent power when I outsource my responsibility and make decisions from a place of illusion, We are ultimately responsible for our a...