
Showing posts from August, 2022

People are ultimately responsible for their own attitudes and actions.

people are ultimately responsible for their own attitudes and actions . Adam Grant  How do you respond to what situation is in front of you? How do you respond when that situation is totally out of your control? A Course in Miracles talks about making decisions based on illusions. I love that. We make decisions based on what is not real and expect to benefit. I can share that sometimes I have made decisions on what I thought should have happened, what I was told is best to happen, how I judged, how angry I am. Rather than on what is exactly in front of me at the present moment. Blaming, projecting, judging are shrouded in illusions, we make real that others are responsible for what we do, what we said, what we did not do, what we did not say. We outsource responsibility for for our attitudes, for our decisions. I have learnt that I give away my inherent power when I outsource my responsibility and make decisions from a place of illusion, We are ultimately responsible for our a...

Things I learned on the Devotion Train

Devotion is different than hardworking. It's totally separate from disciplined. It's such intense loyalty that it has to be born from something else entirely: love . Maxie McCoy  There is a mantra that my friend and I share on days when we are about to do something tough, something we dread, or something that we may not like.  Show up with Love and  Devotion Hearing this brings me back to the now moment. It reminds me that I am love and devotion leads to mastery. What are you devoted to? What is the thing that you do rooted in love and you show up for? Sharing the ten things that I have learned to keep me on the Devoted Train 1. Focus on the Love, rather than the Fear. 2. Focus on what you are giving, rather than losing - Devotion is not about sacrifice but service. 3. Remind yourself of the "why" - if you don't know the why, find it, if you can't then you are not yet devoted. 4. Be grateful - Give thanks through and for it all. 5.  Build and Know your Tribe -...

Release from Fear Comes From Changing Our Minds

Trying to rearrange external circumstances to alleviate fear, such has changing behavior or changing our environment, will not work. Release from fear comes only through changing our mind and accepting that we remain part of God and share His Love.  ACIM There is this saying that how we interpret an event brings more fear than the event itself. I know I can testify, even with little events. I sometimes make up elaborate stories - all by myself- if I have to visit the doctor. By the time I arrive at the doctor's office, my blood pressure is literally high because I have been stressing myself out with fear. Making up stories without all the facts and details can fuel fear. We put pressure on ourselves to control what is happening outside of us,  to control the narrative. In fact,  we look to find a way to control anything that we believe we can control to support us in eliminating the fear, and discomfort.  I have learnt that changing my mind from fear to lov...

What are you focusing on?

  Focus on your tribe of supporters . Oya What you focus on grows. Supporters go far beyond only telling you what you want to hear, they are the ones who cheer for you and also let you know when you need to raise your game. I hear quite a bit about the "haters" people speak and write about them. It is useful to know who is not in your corner, however if you focus and spend time on that, you will not give yourself the opportunity to focus on yourself on raising your game, on achieving your goals. You must ask yourself - "what am I focusing on?" "what am I telling myself?" "what is taking me away from the things I say I want?" Once you have asked yourself these questions with the courage to hear the real response, you can move toward making and taking the necessary steps to find your tribe, find your voice and live your own life. Peace September we go on a Self Awareness Journey- Four Week Immersive online Workshop. Join us, spread the word.      S...

Imagine the Possibilities

  Our world needs us, each of us, to bring our whole selves to the task of renewal and regeneration. Steadily. Faithfully. Devotedly. With focus and power. Hiro Boga Can you imagine if all of us, individually, focused on healing, loving, remembering who we are, and connecting with others from a space of brotherly and sisterly love?  Can you imagine what the world will look like? This is the power of us doing the individual work. The power of each person focusing on doing the work to live a full life of purpose and love. Can you imagine what the world will look like if we focus on collaboration rather than lack and proving to others? I imagine it quite often, it is a motivation to continue on this journey of learning and sharing the lessons. Imagine all the possibilities! Peace September we go on a Self Awareness Journey- Four Week Immersive online Workshop. Join us, spread the word.      Sign up Now - Welcome to Self Awareness - Tools for The Journey

Tell Yourself - I will be okay

“ To say that I am made in the image of God is to say that love is the reason for my existence, for God is love. Love is my true identity. Selflessness is my true self. Love is my true character. Love is my name.” Thomas Merton You must tell yourself that no matter what happens, you will be okay. Remind yourself who you are. The tendency to want to control fix it all (news flash - you cannot) is a fear based response. You ARE Love. Remember who you are. Tell yourself instead - I will be okay. Whatever happens, I will be okay. This is an Inside Job - focus on the inside and see how it impacts and reflect on the "outside" Face the situation. Do your best in the moment. Show up for yourself and Love yourself through it. You will be okay. September we go on a Self Awareness Journey- Four Week Immersive online Workshop. Join us, spread the word.      Sign up Now - Welcome to Self Awareness - Tools for The Journey

Respect and trust the process of change

  Respect and trust the process of change - Tasha Bee Think about it, what is your natural and first response to change and uncertainty? Human beings love certainty, we want to be in control, in fact we live in the illusion that we have control over many things . We want to be and feel safe, knowing what is in front of us and what comes next makes us feel safe. Because of all of this, the usual response to change is resistance. We resist change. We resist it until life says "no more resistance, let go and let's go" Life is neutral so when something happens, it really is a situation where we must change, let go or make a different choice. What I have learnt is when we are in the midst of change and uncertainty, and there is resistance, no trust and no  respect, we suffer. Of course, we must take into account all of our feelings and ride those waves, feel the feelings and be self aware. In the midst of it all, letting go and trusting the process is key. What does that mean...

Instead of Should

  We receive messages constantly that we should be somewhere else, that we’d be happier if we had more, that healing is as simple as thinking positively, that it’s all our fault and therefore all up to us to shift how we view ourselves and the world … Lisa Olivera  One of the teachers that has helped me as I journey, Ms. Iyanla Vanzant, says this quite a lot "do not should on yourself" I always wondered what it meant. She explained that when we say or believe that we "should" we judge ourselves harshly.  We  also should on ourselves when did not do or was supposed to do something that we did not. This self  judgement leads us to punish ourselves. I still wondered about it, I confess, there was some confusion around the word and its meaning. I decided that I would become self aware of my use of should on myself to allow for a better understanding of it. I started recognizing that when I thought I missed something, could have done something better, or ma...

This is a time of Choice

The deepest healing and delight arise from letting go . Yung Pueblo It takes a Goliath of a spirit to claim the responsibility for one's irresponsible behaviours. Most choose to defend self, explain self, with a desire to be more desirable based on Justification. Reasons. Excuse. You see, putting self aside leads to backups, backups lead to blockages, and blockages lead to most of the challenges that we face regarding our health (mental, spiritual and physical). There is a clinical difference between putting something aside and letting something go. So today I am letting go. This month, I am letting go. Making it a lifestyle habit. I am letting go because I don't want to carry anymore stowaway energy or emotion into my future. Letting go of those thoughts and feelings that haunt my development. This is a time of choice, This is a time of alignment and assignment. Start as you mean to go on. And remember that you chose, what to keep and what to put down. Remember, for this ...

Letting Go supports Receiving

  To receive something, we have to be open and vulnerable. And more importantly, to receive, we must give up control. Stacy Hererera What are you more comfortable with, giving or receiving? Confessions on the Journey - Receiving compliments, gifts, gestures used to be  extremely challenging to me. I felt uncomfortable and sometimes cynical to receive. Sometimes I felt I had to earn, or show something tangible to receive from others. Who would and why would they just give me? whether it was a compliment, a kind word a gift without getting something back in return?  I have now learnt that giving and receiving are two sides of the same coin, there is no comfortable giving without comfortable receiving. I have also learnt that receiving is not a bargain, no is it a reward, there is nothing to prove or show to yourself and others that makes you worthy. We are simply born worthy. According to Stacey Herrera   "the truth is that receiving is essential to our wellbeing...

Our Truth is always talking to us

    Our truth is always talking to us, but most of us don’t know how to listen . Martha Beck  I truly believe that our lives communicate with us on a regular basis, day in day out we are so loved by life that we are given guidance, truths and signs as we journey on.  Our role is to pay attention, to listen and to act. Sounds simple enough doesn't it? Simple is not always easy. Human beings want to be in control, to have things go our way,. There are times where we find it hard to dig inside for the courage and look only for logic. Tt is a challenge to hear and walk in the truth that life has kindly provided because it does not fit into any logic and it goes contrary to the status quo. As part of the Journey to embrace our truth, we must be willing to let go. Let go of the stories. Let go of the false narratives. Let go of the guilt. Let go of the shame. Let go of the fear. Let go of the judgement. Think of your life as a flowing river and the stories, fear, and shame...

May your actions arise from Self Awareness

  May your actions arise not from habit or compulsion, but awareness. Lisa Olivera How many of us do things unconsciously? Meaning, the action that we take seems to come without thinking, without maximum effort, almost naturally. We wake up, we pick up our phone, we scroll or we wake up, we pray We get out of bed, brush our teeth, take a shower, and go through the day doing activities that come to us. Now, when these actions are in our best interests we can rest assured that we are in good company however, when our unconscious daily activities does not serve us, this becomes a challenge. What we do daily becomes our habits and reflects in our lives Walking daily helps with fitness Eating fried chicken daily helps with cholesterol  You must be catching my drift by now. Being self aware can support you in determining what you do consciously or unconsciously . When we find ourselves obsessed with anything, in a type of mindless activity, this is a sure sign that t...

Letting Go is a Process

  When we recognize what is valueless there is no sense of loss in laying it down.   ACIM in the past, letting go sounded to me like falling off a building or a cliff. I would look at letting go as  releasing someone's hands  and then something catches me at the bottom. For a long time I was in fear of what would happen at the "bottom" I was in even more fear of what happens when I fall or fly off a cliff. What a difference a change of perspective made, I started looking at letting go as making room, making space, the opening up of a portal for something new, something that will help me live a better life. I also released the view that someone was holding my hand so there was no more "falling" and no more "bottom" rather, I looked at it from a perspective of flying, when I let go I soared with the wind. I now look at it from the perspective that the Universe always has my back.  Letting go is a process, its starts with our thoughts, what are we thinkin...

August is the Journey to Letting Go

  this is what you do when you love and desire to protect yourself. you assess what can be changed, what can be improvised upon and if the answer is nothing. then that’s all you need to know . Gaia Hello Lovies Welcome to August - The Journey to Letting Go. Listen, there are some paths you absolutely must walk for yourself, sometimes you have to get down on your hands and knees in order to climb over the rocks, to navigate the wind, to stay on the ground. Then there are some paths filled with butterflies, birds and flat open terrain. Life is like that, balanced. When we are willing to view things from this perspective it makes the Journey so much more meaningful. All that to say, we must invest the time in doing the self work, asking ourselves the probing and sometimes hard questions, taking responsibility for your joy and happiness, being willing to see things differently. Letting go and giving up are two different concepts. One is rooted in faith and the other one is rooted in fe...