
Showing posts from June, 2023

The Brain and its Stories

  when the brain doesn't have enough information. It fills in the blanks —it creates a story. Stacey Herera I have been reading The Way of Mastery over the past few week. A particular chapter as part of the Way of Transformation  has been on my mind and I thought that I would share.  An important part of transformation is what we do with our thoughts - be ye transformed by the renewing of  our minds.  What are the thoughts that we are giving attention to and if there are missing parts do we make up stories,  do we ask for clarity, what do we do? Since I have been paying attention to my thoughts I have learned that it is so easy to fill my mind with thoughts of fear, and what I don't want -  universal laws says -what we focus on grows. I have also realized  how many stories I make up to fill in the gaps- half of which are not true and the other half is filled with fear of what if's. The way of transformation requires us to pay attention to our thou...

Every change is a death and a rebirth

  Every change is a death and a rebirth. Every decision moves us toward something and away from something else . Alicia Gonzales Confessions on the Journey - changes in life scare me- particularly the ones that I believe that I have zero control over. I would purposefully do events and go places where I had to come out of my comfort zone in order to learn how to let go of control and trust the process. It really has helped, practising to do new things, and going to new places. This is why I love Alicia's quote which perceives change as both a beginning and an end at the same time. I have tended to focus on the end, the discomfort, the inconvenience - all of which are part of birthing a new process - the trick is- what do you focus on? I love going to beach on the North coast to watch the sun rise. I would either wait for someone to take me - there are no taxi's there at that time of day- or I would ask a good friend to drive me. Many opt out because waking up at 430am is ...

The beauty of intuition is that, if you listen, it will push you to grow

  The beauty of intuition is that, if you listen, it will push you to grow. In my experience, following what was clear in my gut made me address deeper and deeper levels of fear. It also pushed me to finally address my aversion to accepting help from loved ones. It taught me to have faith in the process, even though the plan was not crystal clear. Yung Pueblo   Intuition, gut feeling, divine guidance, something in me - whatever name you call it. There is an unseen and untouched voice inside of us that pops up while we are alive. I am not talking about your monkey mind - the ego chatting to you, berating you and scaring you. I am talking about a still, consistent voice that accompanies you in times where you are at a crossroad and making serious life decisions. I call it Divine Guidance - it is always right on time, guiding with love - and sometimes the loving response is no. The challenge is ,we will not hear or follow this voice when we are ALWAYS choosing to be busy, w...

Love shows up with open hands

 Intuition is our life's compass – we can trust our instincts… and, with more and more divine headedness, our purpose calls… it finds us. Pamela Anderson I was listening to a podcast featuring Dr Thema over the weekend, she was talking about balancing success, how success in one area of our lives, particularly the part we spend the most time on, can mask other areas of our lives that require attention. For career women, successful women, many times  they are goal oriented, achieving whatever they put their minds to with consistency and persistence. When it comes to personal relationships, they view the situation with the same lens. They view it as if it is not working all that is required is to approach it like achieving a goal, more time, more persistence and more strategy. Dr Thema pointed out that using this formula for relationships does not always work. Relationships require trust, reciprocity, it requires others to do their inner work- we cannot always do the ...

Be Intentional About it

Like most, I lived what I learned. And when I knew better, I did better. And I'm the first to admit it took me a long time to know better. Stacey Herrera Ten things I am being intentional about: 1. The thoughts I focus on - What am I thinking? I have learnt that when I let the thoughts in my head be filled with fear, loss, old tapes and stories that same energy manifests itself  in some way into my words, actions and feelings. 2. The words I speak- Words heal, words harm, words create- words have power.  3. The company I keep - who is around me and why?  4. The foods that I put into this body I was blessed with - this one is a challenge let me tell you! I continue to practice until it becomes a lifestyle 5. Who I want to be in this world - this is another practice - who do I want to be requires me to act in that way- I want to be kind, loving, authentic and spiritual, all of that takes action, practice and intention. 6.  How I show up- energy cannot be destroye...

Is Asking and Receiving Hard for you?

  For many of us, asking for and receiving support is a path littered with the debris of the past. Hiro Boga  I can say now without fear, that asking for help has been a challenge for me for a very long time. Becoming self aware has taught me that giving and receiving are all in the same, what we give we receive and vice versa. If we are unable to receive, then we must ask ourselves, what is the intention behind our giving. I associated asking for help with being weak, with being seen as a loser, not on top of my game, as lazy- all of the negative vibes. I am not even sure where I got these ideas from but they formed a huge part of the belief system that I held. Becoming more and more aware of self I have learnt that we are not meant to do this thing called life alone, that many of those beliefs stem from a place of fear and control and just as we find joy in giving, there is joy in other people giving as well. Additionally, when resentment hits in, I know that my giving...

Choices add up and make your life

  You have to wake up & chose positivity & prayer! J The choices that we make- both consciously and unconsciously - determine the life that we live. Choices create. There are so many situations that we encounter where we have little or no control  What we are faced with in that moment is to make a choice - remembering that not making a definitive decision is also a choice to live by default. What we do in the morning is a choice. Lately I have been choosing a routine - wake up mediate, move, pray. watch my self talk.  What we do during the day is a choice - we have responsibilities yes, we also have the ability to make choices. What we do in the evening time is a choice. All of the choices we make on a daily basis  add up to the life we live: What we eat What we read What we think Who we spend time with What we speak How we respond to challenges and setbacks All are choices that we make -  will reflect itself in how we live. Remembering that everyda...

Nature Answers Our Questions

  God and nature first made us what we are, and then out of our creative genius, we made ourselves what we want to be. Follow always that great law: Let the sky and God be our limit and eternity our measurement. – Marcus Garvey Hello Lovies I have been deliberately off the grid for a few days. There are two times I choose to come off the grid intentionally. June and December - both times I believe I am being reborn. One is I celebrate a birthday and he second one is end of a year, start of another one. This week, I stayed off the grid as I celebrated a birthday in Grenada , totally spontaneous. The plane ride is 30 minutes, I hoped on did an entire day of hiking and exploring and left. It was time well spent, in nature, reconnecting with the Earth and myself. There is a language that only exists in nature, a tone that heals and embraces the mind in a particularly kind yet impersonal way. Why? Because in the day to day being in this world, there can be times where we forget to recon...

June is the Journey to Contentment

In the end of all seeking, you must look into the mirror and decide to be the one who heals yourself. You are the one who decides, from infinite freedom, how to use the power of your mind in each moment. The Way of Mastery  Hello Lovies  June is here, and a particularly special month for me. June is the month I celebrate a birthday. My grandma told me as soon as I could have understood her, that the birthday of a Queen is declared a holiday and we are Queens so act like one and make the day special. I began a tradition of spending time in nature, to reset, to regroup, to even challenge myself to do a new thing. For many years I would take a guide and we would walk or hike to rivers, waterfalls, into forests. For the last three years I invited friends to accompany me, special friends and beloveds which was a beautiful experience. This year, I am back to the solo runs and I am taking it on the road - falling back in love with myself with a mindset of gratitude and contentment, r...