Nature Answers Our Questions

 God and nature first made us what we are, and then out of our creative genius, we made ourselves what we want to be. Follow always that great law: Let the sky and God be our limit and eternity our measurement. – Marcus Garvey

Hello Lovies

I have been deliberately off the grid for a few days. There are two times I choose to come off the grid intentionally. June and December - both times I believe I am being reborn. One is I celebrate a birthday and he second one is end of a year, start of another one.

This week, I stayed off the grid as I celebrated a birthday in Grenada , totally spontaneous. The plane ride is 30 minutes, I hoped on did an entire day of hiking and exploring and left. It was time well spent, in nature, reconnecting with the Earth and myself. There is a language that only exists in nature, a tone that heals and embraces the mind in a particularly kind yet impersonal way.

Why? Because in the day to day being in this world, there can be times where we forget to reconnect with ourselves, it has to be intentional. There are merits in slowing down, in resting, in silence. I can hear my intuition clearer in nature, I am able to see how everything is connected and so it pushes me to take less for granted, to judge others less, to know I need only look to the Most High as the only Source - nature definitely reminds me of that. My  greatest teacher of sufficiency is nature and the natural laws of the earth—laws that have no amendments, when I feel there is not enough or I am not enough - nature reminds me that I am making up stories! Worry, anxiety & fear do not concern the laws of nature and because I am part of the whole, it ought not to concern me as well.

What are your rituals? Do you have any?

Peace and Blessings

Akosua's Books


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