The Brain and its Stories

 when the brain doesn't have enough information. It fills in the blanks —it creates a story. Stacey Herera

I have been reading The Way of Mastery over the past few week. A particular chapter as part of the Way of Transformation  has been on my mind and I thought that I would share. 

An important part of transformation is what we do with our thoughts - be ye transformed by the renewing of  our minds. 

What are the thoughts that we are giving attention to and if there are missing parts do we make up stories,  do we ask for clarity, what do we do?

Since I have been paying attention to my thoughts I have learned that it is so easy to fill my mind with thoughts of fear, and what I don't want -  universal laws says -what we focus on grows. I have also realized  how many stories I make up to fill in the gaps- half of which are not true and the other half is filled with fear of what if's.

The way of transformation requires us to pay attention to our thoughts, to remember and recognize how powerful our thoughts are.

The first step has ben recognizing what I am thinking? Awareness puts the thoughts on pause. When I recognize what are these thoughts I get curious. Oh, is that what I am thinking? I ask more questions or I recite a mantra - is this what I want to focus on? what I focus on grows. Takes practice. 

Our minds are powerful. How we uses it can transform our lives. 

Starts with a thought.

Peace and Blessings

Akosua's Books


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