Life is about taking what you have and turning it into something worthwhile

To teach is to demonstrate - ACIM

We can only teach that which we demonstrate. I also believe that we teach what we need to learn.
You can't always know how best the Univese will put you to use, you don't even have a clue! When we limit ourselves thinking that we know we block out so many possibilities. Some of our most harowing moments are teachable moments, are moments which happen to help you change not only yourself, but the world around you.

How many times have you heard about the worst tragedies being used by others to propel themselves into a whole other level? How many times we use what happened to us to change, to transform?

When we ask "what's the lesson here?' it transforms the situation into a useful one
When we ask "why me?" it compunds the victim mentality

So let us not decieve ourselves by thinking the people who are succesful or those who have bounced back are "lucky" or have "the right conditions", it is mainly because of a combination of wanting to see things differently and deciding to use the conditions that they are in to move!
Life is about taking what you have and turning it into something worthwhile. That's what successful people do and they demonstrate by doing!


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