The Power of Pause

Guilt is always disruptive - ACIM

This weekend I did absolutelt nothing, I woke up, ate, slept, read a bit and slept again. Considering the month that I have had I felt it was quite necessary to recharge and reboot. In the middle of my blissful slumber - confessions on the journey, I started feeling guilty. You know the type of feeling like " am I really wasting all this time?" and "am I really doing absolutely nothing for two entire days?" that feeling lasted for about twenty minutes! Luckily I managed to convinve myself that guilt is a wasted emotion and rest is part of the work!

Iyanla Vanzant says it best, take a pause, take a rest, stop jumping from one thing to another without pausing. Even airplanes pause before they take off on their journey so who are we?
We move from thing to thing without reflecting, recharging, rebooting because someone or society has said to us being still and resting is weak, it is better to work your tailbone off and rest when you are dead! but Ive learnt that if you don't rest you will definitely die faster
So many times in my stillness inspiration comes! So many times in silence an answer is revealed, So many times in quiet time I grow. Paying attention to this it becomes easier and easier to drown out the guilt that comes during this downtime

The Power of Pause!


Get the Journal 'Daily Lessons on the Journey - A Journal: Here


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