Are You Waiting to Feel Ready?

excessive expectations will block your fulfillment because life will never be able to meet your demands or fantasies that come from scarcity. And...holding on to expectations with desperate or demanding energy will drain the sweet fuck out of you. And then you end up too brittle and tired to magnetize anything to you — or enjoy it if you do get what you want. Danielle La Porte

“Being” ready is an action, “Feeling” ready is the result
“If only I was ready.”
You are, or you wouldn’t be wondering about such things. But the problem is you are looking at “ready” as a feeling, like being hungry, and you don’t find it there. “Ready” is just a decision, like eating. It comes in response to wanting food. Wanting something more. And that’s all that ready really is. Being hungry for something more.
We understand hunger and eating, because we do it daily. We eat for necessity and for enjoyment, we eat with others and we eat alone; we eat to survive. Eating does not depend on us having a good day or a bad day, waking up late, or even where we are. When we are hungry, we do what we have to; we find a way.
But we can ignore the feeling of hunger if we choose to, no matter how imperative it is. Hunger will never make you eat, even if you will die without doing so.
Being ready is just as simple, and just as imperative. If you are waiting to feel ready in order to make any change, great or small, you’ll die standing still. The feeling comes after the doing; it’s what happens when you see that you ARE ready after you’ve done something about it. In truth, feeling ready isn’t feeling hungry; that’s passion. Feeling ready is just being full; it comes after you’ve done something about it.
And the sooner you do it, the better. Just like eating, the sooner you satisfy your hunger, the sooner you have the energy to get through the obstacles in front of you. Many of us take eating for granted, simply because we do it so often we expect the next meal. We have confidence it will come, even in an uncertain world. The sooner you can feel that way about being ready, the sooner the world becomes yours. And you get there by feeding yourself a consistent dose of “doing”.
There is no feeling “ready” like we imagine it. Just an “I am hungry for more, and I am starting today. Regardless.” Now get to satisfying that hunger.
- A sign


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