The Little Things

Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.” ~ James Thurber

Today my whole aim is to pay attention to my surroundings and what I am doing, to taste my food, to enjoy the warmth of the sunshine, to look at the flowers blooming on the porch, to smell the grass
The little things are the big things.
When I neglect or forget the little things big things happen to remind me to get back to them
So, today I remind myself to be aware, to be grateful, to be mindful of all the little things that make life so big!

My top 5 Little Things

1. Fresh Watermelon
2. The smell of newly cut grass
3. Sunrise
4. Birds around the flowers on the porch
5. Silence

What are your little things?

Have you read any of Akosua's work?


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