People who Listen to themselves feel good

When you start to care about yourself on a soul level, you start listening to what you have to say to yourself. You listen to your emotions. You learn from them and they offer you a perspective that your mind cannot even fathom. People who listen to themselves, feel good. Thandiwe

Day 5 - NiNa Young Women's Leadership Programme

Today the young ladies were to do a business pitch before a panel of judges. They had 3 minutes to present their idea and 2 minutes for questions.
They arrived early, looking very professional, dressed up and immediately started practising their pitches. Tempers started flaring up, they started arguing, asking to leave, feeling sick.
I had a word with a couple of them, it did not seem to be helping
We lost 2, they bowed under the pressure!
The others, after their heated exchange decided to patch things up and do their pitches
They were brilliant, it was an absolute joy to watch. The work they put in was evident in their presentations
I could not be more pleased

What Did I Learn?
1. Sometimes you have to let people work it out for themselves
2. Sometimes you only have to keep a safe space for others
3. Sometimes friends show up and they jump in with you on that day's journey
4. The Universe always has your back



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