Authentic Choices

 Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It’s about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen. Brene Brown 

Authentic choices becomes easier when you know and accept all of you. All parts of yourself. Acceptance may not mean liking it, it may just mean that you will not judge, criticise or hide those parts of yourself in shame and hurt.

There are parts of us that we reject because of reasons such as our parents and families believe that it will not support us in our growth and development. For example, our parents wants us to have a different career path to the one we know we want.

We make inauthentic choices when we believe that society may reject the choice and make life difficult for us. To avoid the discomfort and challenges, we conform, we hide, we dim our light. Eventually it catches up with us and our lives reflect these choices.

Choices to fit in that go against who we are, reflect an inauthentic decision.

How do we find our way back to our authenticity?

1, Know who you are - know yourself without attachments, titles and external validation.

2. Accept all parts of you.

3. Practice showing up real.

4. Love yourself.

5. Stop pretending you are something that you are not.

6. Tell yourself the truth.

7. Forgive Yourself

8. Spend time alone



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