Stay in Your Lane

 People that want to control others are, at the core, consumed with their own fears and projecting those fears onto others. Daily Om

I was reading a post on controlling behavior this week and I started thinking about my own relationship with control. Confessions on the Journey, I love to be in control,  humans on the whole and we don't even  think of how we behave as wanting and needing control. We go to extremes to remain in control- even to the point of unhealthy actions.

We want to know what will happen before it is over.

We want others to follow and agree with us.

We want our children to listen to our way.

We want to know what the exact plan is.

We want to leave nothing to "chance".

People express shock and horror when someone responds with "I don't know". 

Why are we so obsessed with control?

There is need of course, for a certain level of control in our lives. Control of our bodies, our minds, our choices. Other than that, what are we really wanting to control situations and others for? Controlling behavior in the negative sense comes from a tendency to reach beyond our own boundaries and into the lives of others. Many people do this with the rationalization that they are helping. Are we really helping though? 

What are we saying when we jump over in other people's business and start dictating what happens there?

What are we saying when we leave nothing, NO -THING to faith and trust?

What are we saying when we want to know everything at every minute?

We are putting additional and unnecessary stress on ourselves. We cannot know everything. Life specializes in surprises and the unexpected, when we recognize this and know that we are well equipped to handle it, the Journey becomes more pleasant, and less stressful. Controlling behavior generally goes hand in hand with an unwillingness to be direct about what you want, as well as an inability to let go and let people live their own lives. If you are the one that is controlling, it's probably because you feel as if you are out of control and it scares you. 

It is tough to see others doing their lives or acting differently to you, especially when "your way" worked in the past. Be there for others in a way that is not intrusive, let people walk their path and learn their lessons.  Trust that they will find their way, trust that all will be well when you have done all you can, prepared as best as you can and have faith that you are divinely guided.



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