Connecting the Dots

 Even as it appears that some people have it easy while others are in a continual state of struggle, the truth is that we are all learning, and it is very difficult to tell, when looking only at the exterior of a person, what's going on inside.  Daily Om

Do You Compare Yourself to Others and Why? 

I read somewhere that comparing ourselves to others is a form of violence. It seemed quite harsh and extreme at the time when I read it, I laughed actually. Like how can comparing myself to another be inflicting violence on myself?

Having thought about it some more and here is the clincher - compared myself to others, I now fully understand the reference.

When we compare ourselves to others we usually do it through what we see outwardly reflected by the other person or situation. Be it social media, television, in person. Many times we are unaware of the backstory- the challenges, triumphs, obstacles and thinking of the person. we look on and our feelings come to the fore, those of jealousy, envy, sadness, not enoughness, inadequacy sometimes even anger. Isn't that inflicting violence on ourself, not even knowing the full story. I found myself asking "How are they doing that and I cannot?, How? How? How?" 

When we compare ourselves to others, we take away the time that we can spend on ourselves, honing our gifts, talents. This is valuable time that can be used to sharpen our vision and take action towards making it a reality.

When we compare ourselves to others, we can forget to be grateful for what we have as we focus on what we don't have.

Having a vision for ourselves, and taking the steps to make the vision a reality, we will naturally encounter others who we want to emulate, their actions motivate us, we are genuinely inspired. This is different to comparing. Having a vision, setting the intention and working to make it a reality is the difference. The icing on the cake is the actions of recognizing who we are, what our unique traits and gifts are, being grateful for what we have and embracing a feeling of enoughness moves us closer and closer to our authentic selves.

We are able to face ourselves, peeling back the masks, taking off the external adornments knowing that we are on our own Journey and other people are on theirs. We can meet, learn and inspire one another and celebrate the wins.

The Journey to Authenticity drops off comparing yourself to others!


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