What will you sell?

 When we are frightened, when we are in fear, what will we sell? Carolyn Myss

I listened to a talk given by Carolyn Myss and let me tell you, it blew my mind right open. Carolyn, one of the teachers that I continue to learn so much from on this journey, asked, what do you give up or give in to when you are in fear? What do you sell? Do you sell your soul? Your friendships? anything? 

Do you stay quiet because you are afraid of losing something?

Do you speak up because you know it's what your inner voice is telling you to do?

Do you stay in the job, the relationship, the friendship, the space because you are afraid of what others will say, how your bills will be paid and to not lose your status, economically, politically or otherwise?

Do you walk away when you know you must?

What do you do to keep the peace, to not rock the boat - because you are afraid? Simply because you are just afraid- and what does that fear look and sound like?

"I just want to keep my job"; " they are powerful people and I can get victimized", "we have economic ties, its difficult to start over"; "I want to be safe" - there is some fear underneath all of it.

When we use fear as a way of being and staying safe, we are never going to be safe. We give away our innate and authentic power. it becomes draining, you compromise your whole self.  You create a hemorrhage of your power of intuition,  when this happens, you start losing trust for yourself and your inner voice.  The more you drain the power of your intuition, your self, the more paranoid you become,  more frightened, more insecure- from that space self loathing can easily come in and following on from that you can project it outward.

Invest in your power, rather than sell it because of fear.

Don't give your word if you don't mean it.

Keep in mind always that there is nothing to fear.

Don't agree with something or someone because you feel your safety in the group is threatened.

Nothing is more important than you protecting your power. Practice it, daily, come with me on the Journey, I am starting today.


Akosua's Books

Nyabo (Madam) Why Are You Here?

Now What? The Flipside

What Did I Learn Today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love


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