Journey to Cape Town Day - Day 9

Newsflash: Anger is spiritual too. Anger does two things: responds to real threats in your environment, or lets us know when a boundary has been crossed. The only time anger is unhealthy is when it is not expressed in the present . Your Spiritual Mermaid I was scheduled to travel to Namibia on Monday morning. So excited, I was I could hardly sleep, the taxi was arranged to pick me up at the hotel at 5AM, I checked in online the night before (as you do with all that excitement) and waited to fly 2 hours to Nambia. It would be my first time in that country. The taxi collected me, I checked in, got my boarding pass and as I was about to take my laptop out to scan a representative of the airline asked me to step out of the line as I was being flagged. He asked me if I had a visa. "A visa?" "No sir!" "You need a visa to go to Nambia madam" "Can I not get it there?" "No maam" "Step out of the line and come with me" Now I was kic...