Dear October

 Can I say how inspired I am by all the people tending to this hurting world, all the people making their own corners of it brighter, all the people doing work no one will ever see, work they might never get credit for, all the people praying and working and softening and questioning and organizing and unlearning and learning and witnessing and listening and trying? Lisa Olivera 

 Back in the day, I gave extra meaning and responsibility to the month of October. Something about being in the "last quarter of the year" Perhaps it is a throw back from the days when I was a practising accountant. Each quarter was assigned a meaning for making forecasts and  comparing those forecasts with reality. The last quarter was an opportunity for a huge effort and push to achieve the year's  goals, also a time where I would notice that the days would become shorter, leaves would start falling off trees and it seemed like nature was also doing something different.

Since I have left the world of finance, measuring quarters and cold winters, I started focusing more on what nature reminds me of in October and maybe just maybe, I can copy what nature does so effortlessly. Let go, make room, release. Prepare for what is to come.

I have learnt that:

Not every season is for planting. Some are for reaping

Not every season is for expansion. Some are for releasing

Not every season is for grinding, some are for resting

Not every season is for cranking up the noise, some are for silence, for quiet

Not every season is for working, some are for dreaming.

Not every season is for others, some are for you

Not every season is for hiding, some are for showing off.

Let the seasons guide you, rather than force. Flow. Surrender. Accept.

Peace and Blessings


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