The work is figuring yourself out
The work is figuring yourself out. It’s looking back at the feelings underneath and the belief systems that we have about ourselves that make us make certain choices and create certain patterns in our life. Jennifer Lopez
Growing up in the Catholic Church I interpreted that doing the "right" thing and praying meant that I would have no problems in life. Follow the formula, be a good person, pray and confess. Well, was I in for a shocker. In this experience, called life, there will be unexpected moments, lessons, challenges, ups and downs that no matter how much goodness I pour into the world there will be experiences that come to teach you, to show you, to make you grow. This is how we grow.
Humans are creatures of habits, what we do repeatedly become our lives, good or not so good. If we are not paying attention, life gives us some nudges to bring us back to center. Those nudges can become great lessons, markers and growth spurts if we pay attention. If we ignore the nudges they continue until we pay attention. The work is really about figuring out ourselves and paying attention to the nudges and signs. So when situations come up, and come up they do, we can take responsibility, hold ourselves accountable rather than shame, blame, deny and justify.
What I have learned is whether we agree, believe it or know, our beliefs show up in how we live. When we pay attention and become more self aware and live from a place of beliefs that serve us
Peace and Blessings
Akosua's Books
Nyabo (Madam) Why Are You Here?
What Did I Learn Today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love
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