Journey to Cape Town - Day 8

Today is a good day to learn, today is a good day to die - Prisoner on Robben Island  

And just like that I have been in Cape Town South Africa for the past eight days. The Conference came to a spectacular close with a celebration and an opportunity to reflect on what was discussed and learned during the week, The last day offered another opportunity to meet in small groups to discuss innovative ways of philantropy and measurement of what works in giving grants to grassroots organisations and feminists/

Immediately after the last session  on Friday, I rushed out to catch the views at sunset at Cape Point - This is where the Indian and Atlantic Ocean meet,  to see the pengiuns at Boulder Bay. 

Natural beauty and landscapes speak to me like nothing else. To experience nature is both healing and a testament that there is something bigger than me. There is no competition amongst the sea and the treas, the sunsets and the clouds, they all co-exist in majesty. Seeing this is a wonderful reminder that we humans can also live this way.

Driving along the coast, seeing the blue waters of the Atlantic Ocean on one side and the dark green colours of the Indian ocean brought me a lvel of peace and gratitude. The opportunioty to witness this uo close and personal feels like a reboot. A remembrance that light and dark exists in me and there is no need to push one, hide the other or make them good and bad.

On Saturday I took the opportunity to visit Robben Island. This was used as a prison to house political prisoners during the apartheid regime the most fammous prison being the one of Nelson Mandela. Being a witness to what those men stood for left an indelible impression on me and I have been asking myself - What do I stand for? What will I fight for?

I also felt a pride in knowing that humans have the capacity to forgive and move on. Thank you Nelson Mnadela and all the politcal prisoners that were housed on Robben Island for the willingness to die for a cause.

Peace and Blessings

Akosua's Books



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