Journey to Cape Town - Day 5

Part of healing requires you to release your attachments—whether it’s to people, places, or even dreams you once held dear. This doesn’t mean you stop loving your family, friends, or those around you. Rather, it means learning to love them while also growing beyond the need to be tethered to them. Dr Robin Smith

Today we did a sacred circle. Women from Sri Lanka, South Africa, The UK, Vietnam, Australia, Kenya and of course Trinidad and Tobago sat together, made space and shared in a non judgemental space how they felt about doing "the work"

What is doing "the work"

Doing "the work" is 

1. Radically accepting that we are born worthy

2. Giving ourselves grace in times of poor choices, being exausted and in feelings of defeat

3. Forgiving ourselves - as a practice rather than a one-off

4. Supporting each other through it all

5. Letting go of guilt and shame especially for things that were put on us by others

6. Telling the truth even when it is hard - being kind when speaking the truth to others

7. Resting - mind, body and soul

8. Trusting, respecting and honouring Self

9. Knowing when to release, surrender, walk away

10. Being Authentic

I left there thinking about the areas in which I still have some work to do, where I am doing well on the work scale and most importantly asking myself what are some of the things that I still have attachments to.

Peace and Blessings

Akosua's Books



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