Journey to Cape Town Day - Day 9

 Newsflash: Anger is spiritual too. Anger does two things: responds to real threats in your environment, or lets us know when a boundary has been crossed. The only time anger is unhealthy is when it is not expressed in the present. Your Spiritual Mermaid 

I was scheduled to travel to Namibia on Monday morning. So excited, I was I could hardly sleep, the taxi was arranged to pick me up at the hotel at 5AM, I checked in online the night before (as you do with all that excitement) and waited to fly 2 hours to Nambia. It would be my first time in that country.

The taxi collected me, I checked in, got my boarding pass and as I was about to take my laptop out to scan a representative of the airline asked me to step out of the line as I was being flagged. He asked me if I had a visa. 

"A visa?"

"No sir!"

"You need a visa to go to Nambia madam"

"Can I not get it there?"

"No maam"

"Step out of the line and come with me"

Now I was kicking myself, this trip has been organised since early August, and not one time did I think it was a good idea to check if a visa was required. I have travelled throughout the Continent many times and never required one so I assumed - Lesson number one is never to assume always ask.

I got out of the line accompanied the gentleman - who was very kind/ He gave me the options. I could get a visa, that would take some time, I could put my ticket on hold or I can change destinations.  The lady at the counter , who was also very nice said to me "It is clear, you was not to go to Namibia, I don't know why, please don't beat up yourself, these things happen. People turn up without a passport, stay here and enjoy the time" 

I needed to hear that - I was in solution mode, looking to "make this right and not fail" Lesson number two - surrender 

In the end I decided to stay in Cape Town, hopped in a taxi and got back the same room at the same hotel that I checked out of earlier - seems like I was meant to be here.

I felt sad. Lesson number three - feel the feelings, let it pass through you. I would hurry or shall I say hustle to a solution and bypass the feeling. This time I sat in it and let it pass through me.

Last night as I sat down to write a blog for the SVRI Forum. I realised that I felt peaceful. It actually startled me - I did not go on this trip and I am at peace. This is so unlike me, I would be ruminating the reasons why, how can I make it better, how can I change it. I just sat there thinking - I am here and it is ok. Now what you gonna do?

Lesson number four - surrender brings a level of peace.

So here I am back in Cape Town for the next week, I am grateful, I am peaceful and I am ready for new experiences.

Peace and Blessings

Akosua's Books



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