Know What You Know

A woman always knows what she needs to know. Unfortunately, her knowing is often buried beneath a thought, feeling, habit, perception, facade, situation, or the simple unwillingness to acknowledge herself, her power and, therein, her knowing. 

When a woman is not willing to admit that she knows what she knows, she will attract people who are willing to support her in remaining ignorant so, that she can be used, manipulated, betrayed, dishonored, and left bleeding at the side of the road. 

More important, when a woman doesn’t believe that she knows, she will create situations and circumstances to prove how dumb, helpless, dysfunctional, broken, battered, wounded, hopeless, and stupid she believes she is. Of course, this behavior is not a conscious activity. It is habitual. It is a conditioned response. It is the basis of the pain in nearly every woman’s heart. It is a function of refusing to know. Iyanla 

One of favourite things to do in this world is sit around my granma's kitchen table, I haven't been able to do it for much of this year, she has not been well and I have, honestly, not made the time to go visit her. I realised how much I loved doing that when I was not doing it any more- isn't that the story many times, we miss things when they are gone

This weekend I was particularly happy as I had the opportunity to sit with my grandma like old times, she was in particular fine form and the stories were flowing. To her mind, she has a responsibility to share these stories with me because according to her "I am a softie" and in her youthful days she was fire! In between the laughter and old time tales I recognise that she was the first story teller that I was exposed to, that she was the first real patriot that I knew, and to this day, with her health she is still literally running around assisting the communuity in her own way, contributing in groups. I understand my own journey more when she shares her story.
Sharing your story, heals you and heals someone else, it gets it out of your head and place it firmly "on the alter to be altered" 


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