Do You Think You Are Wealthy?

Most people are kept in a state of fear, jealousy, competition, comparison, complaining, and disillusionment. This leaves you open to be easily manipulated and controlled. You are convinced that you need money in order to have worth. This belief will indeed keep you poor. The wealth that we are speaking about is the wealth that comes from being a sovereign and free spirit and in alignment with the true knowing of who we are. Mayann Hasna

What is your definition of wealthy? 
My eyes were opened over the past few days spent in Ecuador. The culture of community and sharing really brought me back to thinking what I value. Don't get me wrong, money is important and I love it, it allows me the opportunity to live a life with less stress. I immediately started paying attention to both my conversations and the people around me. What I learned that we stop, we limit, we deny ourselves because "there is no money" or "I'm broke" or 'it's too expensive" or " only people with money do those things", I can go on
What I paid attention to is how the abscence of money did not deter the community for doing their thing, they have a belief that money is part of the puzzle and although it may not be visible yet, it will come once there is a start on the project.
Such a telling reminder for me
The Universe is abundant
A way will be made out of no way
There is usually no requirement to start big, we can start small and grow along the way
Words have power- eliminate
"I'm broke"
"I cannot afford it" 
"I have no money" 
"If I get any money I will...."
Rephrase these terms, it empowers you to move
Give it a go and let me know how it works out
In the meantime, know that the Universe is abundant and words have power

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