New Dawn. New Day

Even my wanderings were perfectly designed to teach me the falsity of the illusions I was following. What I thought were detours away from You were really lessons bringing me closer to home, and I am grateful for them all ACIM

 Happy New Year to all of you my lovies! Thank you for joining me on all of my journeys during the last year, I do hope that it brought you something, anything, that made you ponder, laugh, feel, grow, love! I certainly enjoyed sharing the lessons with you as I strongly believe what we teach what we require to learn!

As I leave Ecuador, I am grateful for the opportunity to see a different way of life, as well as, learn more about myself in the process. I love to learn and the way I kow that I ahve learnt is to demonstrate in my life. I welcome all the events that pass my way, the one's I label good and the one's I label not so good!

So here's to more exciting and fun lessons in 2018 I pray for you all that you pray for yourself.
I thank you
I love you

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