
Showing posts from February, 2023

On the Flip Side of Surrender

Prove. Prove that I’m worthy. Prove they made the right choice. Prove I deserve to be there. Prove I haven’t lost my edge. Prove that I’m relevant. Prove, prove, prove and more proving. it will just hit different when you put in that hard work from a place of worthiness, from a place of knowing your why, instead of feeling like you have everything to prove Maxie February is coming to a close, and on the Journey to Surrender, I have learnt that, there is a certain level of faith and courage required to release, to give up the need to control, fix, change a situation that we want to be a particular way. Releasing the need to be right, the need to have it our way says to the Universe "I trust you to take this from me, my human limitations, my egotistic desires to transform it into a blessing, a lesson, a portal. Marianne Williamson said it in this way "place it on the altar to be altered"  What are you holding on to? What are you holding on to in fear? Who are you pushing ...

Ten Lessons from Being in the Forest

Over the last ten days, I had the opportunity and privilege to spend time in the Forest with the Maroon people of Suriname.  The Maroons are descendants of Africans who fled the colonial Dutch forced labour plantations in Suriname and established independent communities in the interior rainforests.  They live in the Forest, with the river within walking distance. There are no cars, everything is done with their boats. Rivers, rapids, creeks and streams play a huge part in their living. The traditions are respected and kept. The  Saramaccan tribe hosted me with so much love and joy. What Did I Learn? 1.  Simple is not always easy - the simple life, the traditions, the choices we make takes self -discipline and self-awareness. Self-discipline is based on self-acceptance .It is very easy and tempting to follow the crowd, follow what is convenient, what is easy. Life is simple, we choose to make it complicated. 2.  Moving slowly allows me to be in the moment - rushi...

Keep on walking

  Always waiting for something good to find you. But if it don't come what are you gone do And that's why I'm walking, walking, Gotta keep on walking, walking Mali Music I walked away today I walked away from the needing to know, to understand other people’s choices. I walked away from unfulfilled dreams and promises I walked into healing I walked into acceptance I walked into surrender I walked into dreams for the future I walked into remembering who I am I walked into remembering to never bargain your value  I walked into courage I walked into keeping commitments to myself I keep walking, one step at a time, towards a Love Supreme - starting with Self Peace Akosua's Books Nyabo (Madam) Why Are You Here? Now What? The Flipside What Did I Learn Today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love

Today I Learned

How are you going to stand in the sacred place called your life - Iyanla Today I learned that surrender takes courage. Surrender is the acceptance that  my role in the particular situation is finished and must be passed on to the Most High.  Today I learned that when I surrender the situation to the Most High-  to have faith and keep your human hands out of it. If you have given it to the Most High,  Do you think that  you more equipped to handle it? Today I learned that humanness does not demand that I have it all together all the time, that mistakes and missteps are part of the journey. Failing will happen to course correct and reroute, rather than to make me stop or give up. Today I learned how to perfect the portions for one green smoothie. I learned to wake up and say - Self I love you and smile. Today, I learned that I cannot fix everything or everyone, nor am I supposed to. Today I learned to sit in the discomfort and feel the feelings. I do not have to ...

Forward Movements

  Every day, do one thing that moves you forward - Iyanla Vanzant  When we are caught up in our daily lives , or when we are in survival mode, the last thing on our minds would be doing something that moves us forward, or is fun, or self honoring. We get so focused on getting by, getting ahead, keeping our heads above water, of making it that we neglect or forget that without us being healthy, focused and present all of that becomes harder. At times, our default actions lead to unhealthy or disruptive actions for a temporary reprieve- smoking, drinking, shopping, eating, and so we go. My temporary reprieve/ habit  used to be eating excessive amounts of chocolate and hiding myself away inside the house - I have gotten over the chocolate eating - give thanks. I still "hide away" myself at the house and come out only when necessary and needed - I am making a commitment to myself that moving forward starting March 2023, I will not hide inside of the house to avoid places...

What Runs Through Your Mind on Automatic Loop?

  Your best measurement of your relationship with yourself is what runs through your mind on an automatic loop. Are you nice to yourself? Do you say kind things or does your inner critic take up the most room in your head? If it does, it’s not paying rent and it needs to go because it’s messing up the place and reducing your self-worth. You need to grow your relationship with your Self with a capital S. You higher self. Your know-better self. Your Self that loves you with no conditions, traps or pre-requisites. Change that voice. THAT is THE WORK. Laura Bergman Fortgang This is what I have learned. Thoughts play an important part in our lives, it all starts with a thought. And by this I mean the ones that we hold on to and "mind" in our mind. The ones we replay, we take in as gospel and defend. When we "mind" the thoughts, what is going to happen is something around those thoughts will come manifesting into our reality or we have fights with ourselves in our heads. ...

Words have the power to create

Words incant, invoke, destroy, and create. When we speak with high intention, we live in Higher Love . Danielle La Porte What are you telling yourself? What are you telling yourself consistently? What are you telling yourself that is kind? What are you telling yourself that is unkind? What are you telling yourself that is loving? What are you telling yourself that is unloving? What are you telling yourself that is habitual - mindless- without thought? The words you speak have power. I did a very simple experiment while running. I took a run for a longer distance than I would usually run for. The first time I did the distance I decided to urge myself on with kindness, enthusiasm, passion and positivity. I made it, it was tough however, every time I pumped up myself with those words I felt a sense of comradery, energy and wanted to show myself that I appreciated the way the cheering on happened. The next time I ran, I berated myself, I shouted, I scolded. I kid you not, I stopped run...

We have the power

  When we understand that we are God' eyes, ears, hands and feet we can have a little more confidence in ourselves. From on high, God is depending on us to demonstrate his/her power, utilize compassion, be forgiving , show mercy and live in grace . Iyanla Vanzant Imagine, we are God's eyes, ears, hands and feet. This is how magnificent we are. Confessions on the Journey - the statement sat with me all day. It resonated on a level that blew my mind. How powerful to know that we have all this power and responsibility? It reminded me that we have a role to play not just in our lives but in the world; that we have what it takes to carry out the role bestowed upon us by the Most High. Imagine if we showed up daily with the intent, the memory, the comfort that we have been given this important task? Knowing  now that I have the responsibility to shift my own life and the lives of others - if only by demonstration, I am asking myself, how am I carrying out these responsibilities? How...

Messages and Lessons come from Everywhere

  We all have a strong drive within us to speak our secrets. If we can’t tell our secret, we’re almost compulsively driven to act it out. Martha Beck I have learnt that messages come to us when we need it and can come through and from anything and anyone. I believe that God is in  everything so with that, if God needs to send us a message it can come from anyone and anything. The choice is really up to us to  Last month I was doing a dance class and the instructor said "do not add shame to your dancing, when you add shame to anything you will not learn or be comfortable learning" That statement remained with me all day. It resonated in a different type of way How many times have I added shame to a process because I was afraid to fail, afraid to "look bad", afraid of what others would say. Knowing fully well that in doing something for the first time I will not get it perfectly right? Leave the shame out of executing something new, whatever it is, let yourself off t...

February is the Journey to Surrender

  Dear February  I  Surrender: -   Limited beliefs that no longer serve me - what are you still believing in that keeps you stuck, unhappy, doubting yourself, focusing on others? Ask yourself the tough questions and then surrender it all. -   People pleasing - surrender the need, the craving for everyone to like you. Focus on liking yourself and creating healthy boundaries -   Shame & Guilt for resting & self-care - how many of us want to finish the tasks, do the work in front of us at the expense of our health, well being and peace of mind? -   Blaming others & not taking  responsibility for my choices - sometimes, we mess up! own it. Helps in making decisions and forgiving ourselves. - Outdated status quo beliefs - the status quo sometimes keeps us from moving forward and doing something new and different.  -  Self-doubt - Don't let the doubt fool you. - Judging others, Judging self - February is a call ...