A Fine Line called Attachment


As soon as extreme attachment comes, a man loses himself, he is no more master of himself, he is a slave. Vivekavani

I often wonder what is the difference between going after what I want with relentless gusto when there are obstacles and going after what I want when I am told no.

 Have you ever been in a situation where - especially in a relationship - where you believe with all of your heart that things could be different so you pursue, you work on convincing, you give and give and continue to do so even when all of the signs says let go? I have learned that this is attachment. When there is a difficulty in surrendering to what is. When the decision is based on potential, what could be, what "should be" and what was - rather than what IS!

I have learned that making up stories to justify this relentless pursuit is a form of control. The lesson is in the letting go- in this case, letting go does not mean giving up, it means giving in to the Universe's nudges and prompts to trust the process. Do all you can and let it go.

I have learned that letting go requires strength, courage, positive self talk and faith- I had to unlearn the belief that letting go meant that I gave up, that I was wrong and that I made a poor choice that reflects on my personality. I have learnt that the ego screams to me to hang on because you are right, just wait and prove it to yourself and others.

Attachment is the choice to not accept what is- As Byron Katie says, refusal to accept what is leads to suffering.

I have learned that there is an inner knowing that guides us when we are at the cross roads - its a gentle voice, a peaceful prescence that waits for when we are ready, it will not shout over the busyness and distractions, giving signs, patiently waiting for us to be ready. 

Peace and Blessings

Akosua's Books


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