Celebrating the Small Wins

 It's time to shine a spotlight on the incredible wins, breakthroughs, and milestones that each of you has accomplished.​Often, we find ourselves focusing on the challenges and setbacks we face.​While it's crucial to address those hurdles and learn from them, it's equally essential to recognize and acknowledge the triumphs along the way. Harness Magazine

If you are anything like me and the people that I know, you are ambitious, you want to do better, you strive for more, sometimes even perfection. In that striving, we focus on what can be improved, we focus on what was done and then we move on to another. We hardly ever focus on what we did well for more than a minute. What I have learnt is that there are lessons in what we did well, and there is a purpose for celebrating the small wins.

This is a gentle reminder to celebrate the small wins, celebrate your accomplishments, celebrate YOU.

Celebrating YOU is reflecting to the Universe a feeling of gratitude.  A feeling of worthiness, A feeling of willingness to receive more.

The other lesson I have learnt is....there is a pause in the celebration. We have a tendency to move from project to project, job to job, act to act- because we believe the pause will slow us down and life has to be lived with its responsibilities and expectations so we press on/ The celebration gives us a moment to pause and reflect. 

Its time for you to shine! to recognize the triumphs and give yourself some love

Shine on


Akosua's Books


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