Ten Lessons on the Journey to Courage

As July closes, and the Journey to Courage winds down, these are the top lessons that I have learnt:

1. Courage is in the doing - action builds courage. There must be an action to back up the thought and the talk.

2.  It takes courage to sit with feelings of discomfort - we tend to distract, want to "fix", hide and change reality, analyze and justify.

3. Courage requires consistency, self trust, integrity and accountability.

4. Changing our habits and questioning our core beliefs requires courage,

5. Courage is an inside job- no one can give it to us, we cannot find it in a book, a church a course - it is a firm decision to act and be courageous.

6.  Courage does not require perfection - especially when we are developing a new routine or habit or is doing something for the first time. Progress is all that is required.

7  Maya Angelou says that courage is the greatest of all virtues, with courage it becomes easier to live a life of authenticity.

8. Courage and intuition works hand in hand- when we listen to our intuition and follow its divine guidance 

9. Be mindful of those that talk you out of your acts of courage - they are not on your journey

10. Love yourself through it all.

Akosua's Books


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